Brine shrimp nauplii are an ideal food for fish fry . However, many adult fish also like to eat this delicavy very much. The new sera Artemia Breeding Kit allows you to cultivate your own brine shrimp without much effort.
Besides a standpipe and a special stopper, the sera Artemia Breeding Kit also contains suitable hose to turn a common glass or PET bottle into a full value Artemia cultivation unit without any problems.
The corresponding Artemia sieve is equipped with a handle for simple usage. Two holders make it easy to simply hang it onto a rinsing vessel for washing the nauplii.
The readily portioned complete cultivation mixture sera Artemia-mix is included for an immediate start; it combines the Artemia eggs with the correct amount of salt. The eggs originate from the Great Salt Lake in Utah/USA - they ensure particularly small nauplii and an excellent hatching rate.