The Black Pacu, also known as the Tambaqui, is interesting, personable, very hardy and is easy to feed. This makes it sound like the perfect aquarium fish. Unfortunately there is one big problem in keeping these as a pet, they grow fast and they get huge.
Reaching an impressive size of 3?½ feet and weighing over 60 pounds, this is definitely a specialty fish. To keep one you will need an aquarium upwards of a 1000 gallons to house an adult. The tank should also have extra thick glass. Black Pacus have been known to literally swim through the sides of an aquarium when spooked.
As their home must be so large, it limits the people who should keep one. Some people have kept Black Pacus in heated, indoor ponds. But due to their dark color they really can't be appreciated when housed this way. However, if you have the space to provide for a huge tank, they are easy to keep!