A commonly available and popular fish, the Colored Skirt Tetra is a strain of fish developed from the White Tetra that have a natural pink or blue coloration. The White Tetra itself was developed from the Blackskirt Tetra. Like its predecessor, this fish also makes a very good fish for the beginner. It is very active and fast moving, but does have a tendency towards fin nipping. Because of this it should not be kept with smaller fishes, but will do very well in a community tank with larger fishes. These fish are a bit more difficult to breed than the White Tetra, probably because of their being highly inbred already.
The Colored Skirt Tetras like a well lit tank with dense areas of bunched low vegetation, which leaves lots of open areas for swimming. Being a schooling fish they will appreciate the company of their own kind, a standard school is made up of about 7 fish. They are hardy at 70° F to 90° F, but are prone to develop ick if kept in colder temperatures.