The three-spot gourami is a robust fish that should be kept with other hardy, but mildly aggressive, community tank fishes. When kept with active, aggressive fishes it will often retreat to a corner and hide. House only one male per aquarium, as this species has a tendency to fight with one another.he three-spot gourami accepts a wide range of foods, including small live foods, such as bloodworms, Tubifex worms, earthworms, glass worms and brine shrimp, as well as flake and freeze-dried foods. Supplement with vegetable matter in the form of Spirulina-based foods or parboiled vegetables, such as romaine lettuce, zucchini or peas.
This fish should be bred only in large aquariums (i.e., 30 gallons or larger) with plenty of hiding places, as the male may become overly aggressive toward the female during spawning. Remove the female to another tank once spawning is complete. During breeding, the male builds a large bubble-nest (sometimes reaching 9 inches across) among the floating plants at the surface of the water.